I've always loved this quote by Wayne Dyer, and luckily have had a chance to experience this in my own life. It's amazing to me how long it took for me to understand the nature of gratitude. We often get caught up in the day to day rat race of life, always chasing the next day, the next best thing, the next...., the next...., the next..... How often do we stop and look around and be truly thankful for what we have in our lives? We've all seen what the devastation of a hurricane can do to those in it's path. But yet, the people who have experienced it, seem to be resilient, and move on. Why? Because the life that they knew just came to a halt, and they were forced to decide what was truly important in their lives. They're able to be grateful for family, friends, relationships, neighbors, etc. And once you find that kind of gratitude in your life, all lack just fades away. Go ahead.... Test it out for yourself, and see if "the things you look at change."