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Lisa Bushman

Start with a Decision

I got to spend 6 hours in my car this weekend, driving to and from Pittsburgh to see my daughter. I had a lot of time to listen to audio books and let them sink in. I chose to take several different authors with me, just in case I ran into a dud book, and needed something extra. I ended up listening to Tony Robbins "Awaken The Giant Within." If you've ever listened to Tony, you know that he's a ball of high energy, and talks really fast. You must be zeroed in, and hyper-focused on what he's saying or it can pass by you pretty quickly. ( I have to admit, I hit the rewind button many times )

Tony uses practical psychology to motivate people to live their biggest and best life. His main point on the audio book was that we often don't make clear decisions in our lives. We talk about things that we want to happen, but we often don't make deep-seated decisions. This is the foundation for radical change. We often talk in terms of "I should....", "I'd like to....", "I want to...". These are words which are more based in thought, than in action. People who make deep-seated decisions have decided to raise the standards of their lives to a different level. They have a clear intention to move forward, and reach the mark. They're grounded in taking action and they let nothing get in their way. That's very different from "I'd like to...."

So where are you today? Have YOU raised the standard for YOUR life ?

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